about me π
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Front-end, product management, cloud computing, renewable energy
Become a software engineer / technical product manager!
Reading novel + doing cool side projects (like this website)
πΉπ Thai + πΊπΈ English + π¨π³ Mandarin
hover over each card to learn more
β’ Conducted in-depth analysis of human-Computer interaction and visualization research papers
β’ Engaged in regular discussions with assigned mentor and peer group to enhance understanding and exchange ideas.
β’ Developed virtual machines for webserver and offsite backup machines using Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and WordPress
β’ Led the team during the Windows 11 migration plan development
β’ Installed Ubuntu server, configured security, and role management system
β’ Assisting graduate student, Ishaan Dev, with the research involving mammalian cells engineering for therapeutic usage
(toolkit enabling polycistronic expressions in mammalian cells)
β’ Presented club journal involved usage of synthetic open reading frame (uORF) in tuning gene expression
Identified and developed an effective pilot plan with a budget of $50,000 or more, to improve the hiring, retention, and advancement of opportunity youth in Los Angeles area
Receiving a 18-months training on data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence under the collaboration between UCLA School of Engineering and Cornell Tech, an initiative of Cornell University